


IT Specialists

Testing Your Procedures

G-Cloud is an online marketplace for Government departments and local authorities to buy Cloud based services from a pool of approved suppliers. G-cloud has been designed to provide a Government framework that makes making agreements cheaper and faster than arranging individual contracts.

IT Specialists

Disaster Recovery Planning

If you are running a nightly backup, ask yourself when was the last time it was tested? Bournemouth Corporate (Pty) Ltd will perform sample restores for contracted support clients to ensure your critical files are there when you need them. We will also review your disaster recovery plan at regular intervals.

IT Specialists

Bournemouth Corporate (Pty) Ltd G-Cloud Services

Bournemouth Corporate (Pty) Ltd is an approved G-Cloud supplier and that should provide confidence to local authorities that are looking to procure cloud services. We offer competitive pricing for all G-Cloud services and help reduce the headaches associated with cloud procurement

If work is worth producing, it’s worth backing up.

Human error and hardware failure have always been good reasons to take regular backups and that means an automated routine with copies of your data being removed from site.

Bournemouth Corporate (Pty) Ltd can recommend a variety of backup solutions depending on the needs of your business. We help customers to safeguard their data using media such as external hard drives or by streaming files to servers on remote sites. Our online backup service automates a nightly backup of your work to cloud-based servers from where a restore can be quickly arranged, should the need arise.

Whilst backup routines can form a part of your business continuity plan, other aspects of your operation also need to be examined such as hardware redundancy, secondary internet connections, the ability to divert incoming calls, remote working solutions and alternative premises from which your business may need to operate.

Planning for a worst case scenario:

Backup solutions
Online backup
Business continuity planning
Disaster recovery

Do you feel prepared for a catastrophic event such as major hardware failure, a natural disaster or office fire? Arrange a meeting with a Bournemouth Corporate (Pty) Ltd consultant and begin planning the recovery of your business whilst time is still on your side.

Bournemouth Corporate (Pty) Ltd

Delivering solutions that improve operational efficiency and decision-making capabilities deliver solutions that improve operational efficiency and decision-making capabilities

Phone: 0027646535621

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