

GDPR Complience

IT Specialists

What is GDPR?

GDPR is the European Union’s new data protection law and will replace the Data Protection Directive. GDPR retains much of the existing Directive but adds notable changes in order to give individuals greater control over their personal data.

IT Specialists

Why work with a GDPR specialist?

GDPR imposes many new obligations on companies and changes how they should manage and store personal data. Is your company complying with all these new rules? If not you could face large fines for breaking GDPR laws. A specialist like Bournemouth Corporate (Pty) Ltd can ensure your business complies fully with the law.

IT Specialists

Bournemouth Corporate (Pty) Ltd GDPR Services

Our clients rely on us to help plan their IT spending by documenting IT hardware, advising on IT strategy and assisting with warranty and software license management.

Bournemouth Corporate (Pty) Ltd are a trusted IT support company based in South Africa.

GDPR laws are challenging and wide in scope, this means all businesses and organisations will need to change policies and processes alongside the implementation of new technical compliance measures. For some companies the changes could be significant. No matter if you’re a large or small organisation, here is how Bournemouth Corporate (Pty) Ltd can help you: Evaluation, Roadmap and Implementation

Why choose Bournemouth Corporate (Pty) Ltd?

Experienced team with in-depth understanding of the GDPR requirements
Extensive data protection and information security management expertise
Dedicated project manager
Competitive pricing

We partner with organisations to provide IT systems and ongoing support. Our expertise allows us to lead a range of consultancy services to help businesses prepare and stay compliant with GDPR laws.

Bournemouth Corporate (Pty) Ltd

Delivering solutions that improve operational efficiency and decision-making capabilities deliver solutions that improve operational efficiency and decision-making capabilities

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